What is ethanol fuel?

What is ethanol fuel?

The ethanol fuel for your fireplace is a clean-burning, liquid energy source that has been formulated specifically for combustion in vent-free fireplaces. IGNIS® Ethanol Fuel is made from pure alcohol. It is then denatured to prevent human consumption.

Ethanol Fuel is a plant-based, Eco-friendly energy source. During combustion in a fireplace, ethanol fireplace fuel emits heat, water vapor, and trace amounts of carbon dioxide. The liquid fuel doesn’t expel toxins, smoke, or ash & it is odor-free during combustion. Because of this, bioethanol for fireplaces does not need to be vented, so it is safe to burn indoors or out.

More questions and answers about ethanol fuel

1. Can ethanol fireplace fuel be used indoors?

Yes. Ethanol fuel does not emit toxins, doesn't smoke, has no odor, and doesn't produce ash or soot when it is burned. Therefore, there is no need for the fireplace to have an exhaust. Ethanol fires, as will all other genuine flames, do however consume oxygen. So, while ethanol fireplaces are vent-free, they do require a size-appropriate space for installation. 

 2. Where do I keep ethanol fuel in my home?

As an energy source for a fireplace, obviously, ethanol fuel is extremely flammable. IGNIS® Ethanol Fireplace Fuel is bottled in easily-handled quart-sized bottles. Offered with free delivery, the space needed for storage of the fuel is typically minimal. It is best to store the ethanol fuel at room temperature. It should not be close to anything that sparks or is otherwise a source of ignition. The fireplace fuel should not be in a location where a child can reach the product.

3. How is a fireplace filled with ethanol fuel? 

The process of fueling a fireplace with ethanol will vary slightly. The style, brand, and fireplace type may determine a slight difference in fueling practices from what is described below. Before your first ignition, be sure that you understand the dierectives for fueling your specific appliance, as outlined in the appliance's user manual. If you are unsure as to any instruction that is in the product's documentation, contact the manufacturer or the authorized distributor from whom you purchased the ethanol-burning product.

  • STEP ONE: Prior to introducing fuel into any ethanol burner's opening, be sure that it's visually void of any debris in or around the burning chamber. Inspect the burner to ensure no visible signs of damage or excessive wear are present. Should a visible sign be noticed, do not fuel or ignite the burner.
  • STEP TWO: Insect the burner lid to ensure that it operates freely and that no voids that would allow airflow to the fuel in its closed position are visibly present.
  • STEP THREE: Open the burner lid. Through a funnel, pour the fuel into the burner’s flame opening. Be sure not to exceed the “max” line. If a “max line” isn’t visible, do not exceed 3/4 of the burner’s fuel capacity.
  • STEP FOUR: Shake the funnel before removal to prevent dripping.
  • STEP FIVE: Inspect the area to ensure to spillage or droplets of fuel aren’t present. If spillage occurred, it must be immediately removed by absorbing it with a disposable medium (such as a paper towel).
  • STEP SIX: Prior to igniting the fireplace, be sure all fuel bottles and all other flammable materials are a minimum of one (1) meter [forty-inches (40”)] from the burner and ensure your hands are cleansed from any fuel.
  • STEP SEVEN: Only use an elongated lighter or fireplace match. Lower the flame source just over the fuel opening, being careful that your hand or loose clothing is over the flame opening.